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Authentic .V. Clones, and are authentic's worth it?

I have advised people taking up dripping to buy clone RDA's, and will continue to do so. I do not do this because I think originals/authentic's are too high priced, or because I believe them to offer similar performance. I give them this advice so they can learn how RDA's work, and how they want RDA;s to work for them. I have gone down this route myself because I did not know what type/configuration/drip tip or big chuff I would end up prefering. Once you have learned what you want from your RDA, then, if you can afford it, buy the original. There was one part of the O.P I did disagree with, vaping for me is not a nicotine delivery system as I quickly worked my way off the nicotine. I would also like to add that the difference between good flavour and great flavour can be achieved by removing nicotine. Why vape the best of juice in an original RDA, on an authentic mod and leave this hideous chemical tasting substance in there ?

These are just my thoughts, meant to offend none, or a very few, well some :30:
How can they be any different if there 1:1 clones it's a tiny piece of metal, not rocket science to copy
You would think that ... but I can absolutely guarantee you that a clone heron does not stand up to a real one.

the screws are like cheese for a start .. and the airflow on the ones I had was nothing like what the originals were .. even on the original v1
Which Heron clone were you using, Mine gave flavour more or less on par with the original, did have a tendency to gurgle slightly though...
I must admit to not having tried all the clone herons .. the ones I have tried were terrible tho .. altho Glens seems ok if a little tight on the draw
Thats odd, I've got 2 clone KF4's and an original, one of the clones is in pieces - the tank sections or glas may come in handy, the other virtually never gets used - the connection is terrible and the base loosens up every time you open or close the Juice flow, and that's on the Infinite clone which was recognised to be the best of the bunch...

The Lites were better but never quite reached the smoothness of the original without srious tweaking and tuning, which kind of defeats the object of buying the clone...
what is possibly happening is that the clones quality control is off par (mind you I've known some originals be like that as well)

I think from the same manufacturer you can get one good clone . one bad one.

mass production and all that
I cannot comment on the relative performance as I dont own any clones

On two principles

1. Quality is not consistent and clones may not use the same standard of materials, there is SS and there is SS

2. Original manufacturers invest heavily in the design process, if no one buys the original they will no longer be able innovate and create new technologies

3. No guarantees products are properly tested for safety

And no I don't have lots of dosh but if I cant afford the real thing then I manage without

Yesh that's 3 principles and I could list more

Just my opinion
My thoughts have changed somewhat the longer I have been vaping. Before going on Forums etc I only knew that FT was the place to buy kit. I must have spent at least £500 on clones in the last 18 months. The ones I have really liked I have bought the genuine ones second hand (Rose, Squape, FeV, Kayfun Lite). Clones allowed me to spend time working out what my preferred set up was. I have loads of clone attys, mostly drippers, which I never use as I now know that dripping is not for me. I think many of us also get obsessed with the collecting side of things. It's hard to build a collection when things are £100+. Now I am wiser as far as attys are concerned I would buy the real thing if it was sensibly priced and more importantly available. Paying £130+ is a joke. Mods are a different matter in my opinion. It's a box with a switch and a battery or a metal tube. It also doesn't really affect the Vape as they all do the same thing. I don't feel any qualms about buying clone mods. In my opinion most are very overpriced for what they are.
Also nobody I socialise with vapes so they don't have a clue what I have. I am sure peer pressure has an effect for people who go to Vape meets etc. 'Got to have the latest shiny toy.'
I learned my lesson on clones, bought a plume veil and span the past on the first build and bought a 1:1 tugboat and the middle post was facing at about 25 degrees of centre, I'm with some others, if I can't affoard the original then I won't bother.
I can't remember the exact in's and out's of this, but wasn't there a case in point with "some" of the AquaV2s? Something about them coming out of the same factory that was supposedly cloning them? Of course this may all be smoke and mirrors, but there was a marked difference between the ft offerings and the ones that came in the oblong Silver Tin, I know, I have had both and certainly would recommend the Tinned Version every time.

I have two of the oblong tin ones, one bought from here which is good. the other from FT. It's a bit rubbish,one of the neg posts/screws is as wonky as hell and doesn't tighten the wires down at all well. I also have an A-Mod Aqua V2, quality looks great but not built on it yet.
Think of it like boobies, clones are like fake boobies - indeed they look good but they just dont't feel the same as the real deal, however if they're the only thing within your reach theres no reason not have a play.

Still very enjoyable.
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