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"Addicted" to Furlough Benefits

The true nature of the furlough scheme was to retain jobs but unless the UK fully opens up when the furlough scheme is removed we will start seeing many many thousands if not millions of jobs lost.

Yeah, my company has a limited number of shops operating to supply stock to website orders, but unless all shops are opened to the public again - and people start visiting them - they’ll close them, and jobs will be gone. I expect a lot of retail jobs to go.
Yeah, my company has a limited number of shops operating to supply stock to website orders, but unless all shops are opened to the public again - and people start visiting them - they’ll close them, and jobs will be gone. I expect a lot of retail jobs to go.
Not looking good.
My mrs has been questioning me over my situation and it's got me thinking.
I'm furloughed until the end of the month but if we are not back up fully running by then and the gov pull the scheme I'm told by my company we're okay till the end of June and then decissions will have to be made.
I was just having a conversation with my eldest last night! He thinks it's to soon for us to go back to work. Because I sent him a video of how we are having to euthanize all our cattle and chickens in the farms here in the States because the companies that normally buy them are still shut down. That and they are plowing crops back into the ground....

I told him we can't just stay locked up our whole lives! Yes take care of ourselves, be aware, but you can't go around every day scared to live at all by hiding in your house and not interact with anyone ever again...

And the government can't foot the bill for everyone.... The Nation will go broke. He said " I hope this will make people start saving their money Incase of something like this. This has lasted so far 2 months, now if everyone had 2 months of savings. "
I told him, savings eventually run out... And this is not over really.
Never really will be.
Til there is a vaccine.
This is why Ricky and I raise our own meats and gardens.

He stopped talking to me after that... But I figured in that

He always thought we were nuts for raising our own meat. Said he could always get whatever he needed from the grocery store ... Lol.

I gather that's why I have people coming to me to get eggs?
Cause their only allowed to get 1 carton from the grocery store....

Oh btw.... We've sold a few of our rabbits (ready for breeding) as well during all this. People realize they need to start feeding themselves.

Glad you are still ok over there Kitty.
We were reading where a doctor was saying that this virus changes constantly.

From person to person.

To tell the truth... I think this virus is going to wipe out a good portion of the human population.
And I believe it was engineered to do so.

Know how ya can't donate blood if you've ever had chemo? Bet they start saying, can't donate if ya ever had covid soon too. The darn thing keeps mutating.
Un-named ‘senior Government source’ using the word ‘addicted’ could be a made-up source. The media putting their own slant on things.
you say that .. I can absolutely tell you it's true in some cases
Oh mate, come on. That's the same kind of comment that says people love being on the dole and getting £38 a week they don't want to work...so therefore the dole should be harder to get.

The furlough means anybody getting it is worse off than they used to be. Any anecdote has to apply to a tiny number of families. Cutting support while not allowing public transport/schools/childcare facilities to operate normally, so people can't get to work, is nothing short of vile. It's indefensible.
Oh mate, come on. That's the same kind of comment that says people love being on the dole and getting £38 a week they don't want to work...so therefore the dole should be harder to get.

The furlough means anybody getting it is worse off than they used to be. Any anecdote has to apply to a tiny number of families. Cutting support while not allowing public transport/schools/childcare facilities to operate normally, so people can't get to work, is nothing short of vile. It's indefensible.
Add to that that these people have got jobs. They are not the ones "who like it on the dole" anyway.
Add to that that these people have got jobs. They are not the ones "who like it on the dole" anyway.
I get that it's costing a mint. I get that it'll have to be paid for. I get it can't last forever - what I don't get is the disjointed approach to removing the lockdown.
Oh mate, come on. That's the same kind of comment that says people love being on the dole and getting £38 a week they don't want to work...so therefore the dole should be harder to get.

The furlough means anybody getting it is worse off than they used to be. Any anecdote has to apply to a tiny number of families. Cutting support while not allowing public transport/schools/childcare facilities to operate normally, so people can't get to work, is nothing short of vile. It's indefensible.
My daughter's employers have used this a wage leverage. She's working from home 12+ hours a day, seven days a week with the fear of the company going under without maximum effort yet they've dropped all wages by 10% as it's better than the 80% furlough wage.
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