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Coil expert required...

Hi folks,
I need help!!
I will make this as short as possible.
After a chest infection, this triggered reflux which has an impact on my throat.
My favourite juice was causing me problems. All of a sudden the vape was just too much for my throat to cope with. It was kinda choking me. using another juice at the same coil wraps and same wire and same coil diameter, I am fine. But I miss my favorite juice taste.
So I figured I'd play about with the coil. I'm a mtl vaper. I have tried play, so with 8 wraps on a 28mm stick, using 28/29mm round coil, it gives 0.9 ohms which seems fairly low after the 8 warps??????
I can handle the vape for my fave liquid BUT ... the taste is lost. it's lacking the flavour completely. I went on steam engine coil calculator and inputted my data and it said to do 2 wraps. Well that can't be right. haha
Any help appreciated. I miss my fave juice!!!!!

I think you need to re-read and amend your post. A 28mm internal diameter coil will be massive and simply won't fit in any MTL tank because of the size. I'm assuming you mean 2.8 internal diameter - but if you have put the wrong diameter or wire material into Steam Engine you will get bad answers.

It would help if you quoted the wire material and gauge, as well as the actual diameter of the coiling rod you are using to wind the coil - but quite frankly I suspect it is the fact you are recovering from a chest infection that is causing the choking and lack of flavour. Unfortunately recovery can take time and changing your build probably won't help. Maybe keeping the same build you normally use but lowering the wattage slightly may help reduce the choking because of the reduced amount of vapour - it won't help at all with restoring flavour, but I suspect nothing will until you are fully recovered from your illness.
I think you need to re-read and amend your post. A 28mm internal diameter coil will be massive and simply won't fit in any MTL tank because of the size. I'm assuming you mean 2.8 internal diameter - but if you have put the wrong diameter or wire material into Steam Engine you will get bad answers.

It would help if you quoted the wire material and gauge, as well as the actual diameter of the coiling rod you are using to wind the coil - but quite frankly I suspect it is the fact you are recovering from a chest infection that is causing the choking and lack of flavour. Unfortunately recovery can take time and changing your build probably won't help. Maybe keeping the same build you normally use but lowering the wattage slightly may help reduce the choking because of the reduced amount of vapour - it won't help at all with restoring flavour, but I suspect nothing will until you are fully recovered from your illness.
Thank you for your response. Yes I meant 2.5mm diameter not 28mm. Can you imagine the size lol?!
It’s 2 months since the chest infection and X-ray shows my lungs are absolutely fine now, it’s just my throat probably being irritated from all the coughing I was doing.
Yes, I suppose it’s a wait and see sort of situation. Hope I manage again as it’s my fave juice that has kept me off the cigarettes for a long time 😎
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