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custom duty on a pack of coils from China?!

I wouldn't mind the VAT charge, that's a fair cop but the £8 handling charge is a piss take

We get it here, if someone's sent us paperwork & underpaid the post they try & make us pay for it plus a £1.50 charge, we refuse & have them send it back

If it is Royal Mail then refuse to pay the £8 and see what they do next. Because they aren't allowed to withhold your mail.
Well, my parcel is still stuck ( 8 days now "leaving Beijing") and I didn't get any card yet but I think I may get stung :(. Declared as 20USD from the photo comes to £15.32 :banghead:
Idea: can I ask for recalculation after £ recovers a bit :grin2:?
Shit, looks like the dream of big bottles of eliquid has been dashed by customs charges from fasttech!
We’ve been over this before. They are.

They aren't, seriously. I know someone that challenged them and won. They are not allowed to withhold mail. They are allowed to charge a reasonable amount for handling your HMRC affairs, but equally you can dispute their charges and pay it yourself.
Shit, looks like the dream of big bottles of eliquid has been dashed by customs charges from fasttech!
I'm not sure but it looks like customs started to look at the parcels more carefully - maybe even both: value and contents.
Damn, I have Spica (3ml) with some spares and wires coming...
They aren't, seriously. I know someone that challenged them and won. They are not allowed to withhold mail. They are allowed to charge a reasonable amount for handling your HMRC affairs, but equally you can dispute their charges and pay it yourself.

But to pay it yourself is a lot of hassle. I quoted the caveat in the legislation you cited the last time this came up. They can withhold your mail if you withhold their money. The person you know who challenged it is meaningless, unless he challenged it in a court and it was ruled unlawful. Because otherwise they may have just decided to waive the charge after him making a complaint. That doesn’t make it unlawful.
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