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custom duty on a pack of coils from China?!

But to pay it yourself is a lot of hassle. I quoted the caveat in the legislation you cited the last time this came up. They can withhold your mail if you withhold their money. The person you know who challenged it is meaningless, unless he challenged it in a court and it was ruled unlawful. Because otherwise they may have just decided to waive the charge after him making a complaint. That doesn’t make it unlawful.

Well, my parcel is still stuck ( 8 days now "leaving Beijing") and I didn't get any card yet but I think I may get stung :(. Declared as 20USD from the photo comes to £15.32 :banghead:
Idea: can I ask for recalculation after £ recovers a bit :grin2:?

Don’t worry too much dude. They can’t check every package, it’s physically impossible. And if it were every package forums and Facebook would be rife with people having the same problem.

Could be just a hmrc employee with a hard on. Have faith! [emoji2]
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Don’t worry too much dude. They can’t check every package, it’s physically impossible. And if it were every package forums and Facebook would be rife with people having the same problem.

Could be just a hmrc employee with a hard on. Have faith! [emoji2]
I do have faith - I'm an optimist at heart :).
I also have £11.33 ready...
Interestingly I’ve just checked through some old epacket Jiffy bags from china. I either reuse them or use them for packing boxes. Every FT package says $20, only the weight differs.
But 3F are all random numbers, all well under $20. Like so:
Surly there should be a way to pay before it gets seized. They could then check it on a system and wave it on through. No more ludicrous handling fee.
Surly there should be a way to pay before it gets seized. They could then check it on a system and wave it on through. No more ludicrous handling fee.

yeah there is .... you basically deal with it yourself, fill out the paper work and whatever, pay the VAT.... is was discussed in another thread but I forget the details.
Interestingly I’ve just checked through some old epacket Jiffy bags from china. I either reuse them or use them for packing boxes. Every FT package says $20

... which is just over £15 at the moment, so they can stop it and charge VAT.

I think because of the small size and low cost they don't usually bother as they have bigger stuff to deal with, but if it's a slow day......
... which is just over £15 at the moment, so they can stop it and charge VAT.

I think because of the small size and low cost they don't usually bother as they have bigger stuff to deal with, but if it's a slow day......

Yeah exactly that. It’ll be all workload dependant I reckon.
Interesting 3F don’t do it though with the standard $20. FT could do with dropping it 5$ really
Yeah exactly that. It’ll be all workload dependant I reckon.
Interesting 3F don’t do it though with the standard $20. FT could do with dropping it 5$ really

I've just ordered some bottles from FT that were only $10.09 inc postage so I hope that don't put $20 on that or I won't be happy if it gets stopped. :D
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