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custom duty on a pack of coils from China?!

Yea, I didn't realise there was a £15 VAT free limit when I ordered. I must have gone over by pennies FFS. But...I've ordered over 10 times from FT before, each time well above the VAT free limit and I've never once been billed for charges which does suggest - when taken by other's anecdotal evidence, that UK customs are perhaps tightening their shit up.

Nah, it's just that the pound to dollar exchange rate has dropped below the magic 1/1.31 threshold, thus making 20 dollars over £15 buy a smidge. FT have always put a 20 dollar declaration on everything above that value by the looks but it's only now that the exchange rate has dropped low enough to make 20 dollars above the vat threshold. They could do with lowering the declaration to be fair. @stig of the dump has posted on the Fasttech forum, but no staff member has replied yet.
always use FT for my orders and never had any charges over the last couple of years

this could be bad !
Nah, it's just that the pound to dollar exchange rate has dropped below the magic 1/1.31 threshold, thus making 20 dollars over £15 buy a smidge. FT have always put a 20 dollar declaration on everything above that value by the looks but it's only now that the exchange rate has dropped low enough to make 20 dollars above the vat threshold. They could do with lowering the declaration to be fair. @stig of the dump has posted on the Fasttech forum, but no staff member has replied yet.
It's a Brexit Bonus.
Wait until we actually leave.
Some experts are predicting the £ could plummet to below the $.
I made a little order on FT last night, came to around $12 but I've messaged them to make sure they don't stamp it with $20
My order's now showing on royal mail site as held with fee to pay.

My 3Fvape parcel was undervalued at $8 ....... thank you for that as I'd not thought to look! :D
That goes hand in hand with my $50 plus orders being valued at $13 then. Crafty. Seems FT should take note huh? :51:
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