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Gone and done it now!

Blazing Atoms

Feb 9, 2023
Hi all, hope every one is well.

I am a partially sighted vaper and have just delved into RTA territory. I have ordered the dead rabbit RTA v3, Scotts fused clapton 0.15 coils and finally some hellvape organic shoestring cotton.

I have been watching some youtube videos but limited sight means not catching some detail. Thus i would like to ask a few questions if i may.

In one video the guy says he likes to cut his legs at 5mm. Is this important if so how do i measure the legs without any special device for my first install (comes with some coils apparently)

In another he fires up his coils to check for hotspots and then brushes them with a screwdriver. What am i looking for to brush or scrape from them.

wicking looks straight forward but i will need to get some tweezers, so what can i use in the meantime to fluff the cotton.

The terminals are positive and negative. How do tell that on the coils.

last but not least, can i chain vape and as i normally use my Zeus tank im used to nice hard pulls. Can this be done also. I was told the coils are for my suited vape wattage of 60-65w

My device is the geekvape t200

Many thanks and sorry for question time!
1. Coily tool or use a ruler of some sort
2. Brushing (strumming)coils helps remove hotspots .so coils heat from centre outward
3. Wicking ...cotton should have some resistance when pulling it through the coil..use anything pointy to rake out (fluff ) the ends
4. Coils don't have a + and -
5. Rta's should keep up with chain vaping as good as a stock cooler (if not better)
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what does a hotspot look like though?

That would be a part of the coil that is a lot brighter than the rest of the coil when pulsing the fire button without cotton in the coil. I feel they look like little hot cracks in the coil.

As for chain vaping, if it's not happening then you should try rewicking or raking the cotton a little more. Sometimes you just wick a wee bit wrong and need to adjust so don't be disheartened if you don't get it spot on straight away.
Thank you sir. One more thing if i may? It comes with 2x 0.37ohm Ni80 Clapton Coils. Will my mod detect the ohms and if so how do figure out what wattage to use assuming i have to put 2 coils in?
@Blazing Atoms
You've got yourself a dual coil rta .so half the ohms of the coils ...you'll be running at 0.075 ohms...
Might have been better off starting with a single coiler

This left hand coil has a hotspot ...strum (rake) the coil (not firing) till they both glow evenly from the centre outwards like the right hand coil
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Thank you sir. One more thing if i may? It comes with 2x 0.37ohm Ni80 Clapton Coils. Will my mod detect the ohms and if so how do figure out what wattage to use assuming i have to put 2 coils in?
Glow the coils at low watts till they bed in before wicking ...once wicked and juiced .start low and raise it a few watts at a time till you find your happy place
Thank you sir. One more thing if i may? It comes with 2x 0.37ohm Ni80 Clapton Coils. Will my mod detect the ohms and if so how do figure out what wattage to use assuming i have to put 2 coils in?

You'll be running at about 0.18 ohms with dual as you do have to half it. Your mod will calculate the ohms but not the wattage so as Gary above says just start lowish and pop up the watts till you get what you like. Some would run that at about 60/70w and others lower, I like lower myself but that's just me.

Also, just for a wee bit info the Ni80 will ramp up the heat quicker than kanthal would so you can get away with lower watts than a kanthal stock coil.
My man now you are making me hyperventilate in panic! 0.075 is super low or super high. Maths is not my strong point. Could you explain again how ohms is worked out. Do i add the value of the 2 coils then half it. Im only used to wattage settings a s far as vaping goes. Do they not have an upper or lower power range as im looking for 60-65w hence the scott coils were recommended to me for that range.

Really sorry just don't want things going wrong with already limited vision and knowledge.
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