sxlxp, I found it so easy for the first week or so, and then I had my first slip-up. I was out having a few jars with my wee brother (who smokes) and after a couple of pints I really felt like I missed smoking. I had one that night, but carried on vaping. I had two more slip-ups within my first month, but aside from those three indiscretions I've been smoke-free for 98 days. It really does get easier, but there were a few things I found that helped me 'keep the faith', as it were.
Firstly, have a look around some of the fancy e-liquid sites (I found the alchemist's cupboard was a good one) and order a bunch of wee sample bottles in different flavours. Just experimenting with them helped keep me interested in vaping: it just seemed like there was so much out there to try.
Second, I downloaded a free app for my phone which keeps track of how long I've been off the fags, how many I haven't smoked, and how much money I've saved. It even has a wee widget on my home screen so I see it every time I look at my phone. I just went to the app store, searched for 'Vape', and grabbed the first free one I saw, and now every time I check my phone I get a buzz from seeing how well I'm doing.
You're doing really well, and if you stick with it you'll find it not only gets easier but also a lot more enjoyable. Above all else, you can rely on this community for fantastic advice and support. Of the forums I've tried, this is the one I've found most welcoming and friendly.
Keep your chin up, you're doing a cracking job!