When I first started I was a little apprehensive and worried I might get the cravings and not get used to it. On the odd day I felt out of sorts I came on here and read through many posts on all things vaping, I looked at all the kits and options out there, I looked at liquids etc. It gave me inspiration. I really immersed myself in the world of vaping. I bought a mixing kit, this gave me something to think about and opened up a whole new doorway into vaping. I haven't looked back since, I was a 20+ a day smoker for over 30 years and am now stinky free for over a month.
What I am saying is that you ain't alone, there is a big family on here and everyone is supportive and o be honest I would have struggled without tis site, 11 days is a brilliant achievement, just think in anoher 11 days you will wonder what the fuss was about and will feel 100x betterin yourself. Keep it up!!