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iGo-l issue, where am I going wrong?

try putting a thick needle on the wicks when wrapping it will make the coil alittle bigger if your wrapping it to tightly
+1 on MadTZ, or try microcoiling using cotton wool, I'm using that in my Yada dripper, coil is over a month old and going great, I just change the wick every so often or when I change flavours...
whit77, this is no time for Terrence and Phillip - :lol1:

Actually thats a pretty good diagram, just needs labels for the hard of thinking...:imstupid
I was just about to post a "wtf?" relating to the diagram,when the penny dropped.:imwstupid
I've done it! My coils were too tight and the air hole was in the wrong place, so thank you for putting me right with that!

Even just putting the air hole in the right place helped quite a bit, but after recoiling and using cotton, well, my goodness, what a vape!

Thanks again.
There you are you have 2 methods that work nice now as long as you keep the coil legs even sized i use this method as i have burnt my insulation ring keeping the coil close to the posts :)
cotton wool baby! - just make the coil first, mount it, then poke the cotton into the coil, pull it out the other side and bingo. I've been experimenting with more wraps (like 8 or 9) to give more vapour/surface area.
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