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Is Fastech going dowhill?

Brass Sentinel M16 - a tenner
Brass Sentinel V3 - just over a tenner
Bagua 18350 - just over a tenner
Sexy Private V2 - just over a tenner
ePipes - just under fifteen quid
Brass Chi - fifteen quid
It continues...

Are we looking at the same over-priced mods? :anyone:
Recent orders:

Brass Chi, order placed and shipped on the 28/9 - delivered Monday
Private V2, order placed 23/9 - delivered last week
M16, order placed 21/9 - delivered last week
i4 charger marked shipped 9/9 but returned to FT - refunded 48hrs after ticket raised

Hong Kong
Drippers, order placed 16/9 - shipped 22/9 but no tracking no drippers

China Post
Batteries rejected by CP - refunded 24hrs after ticket raised

I've got four outstanding orders despatched but not tracking. To be honest I'm not having kittens as they have always done the right thing by me.

I think you just have to be patient, polite and write in simple, clear English. Or buy from somewhere else. Chinese etiquette demands that no one should be put in a position where they are seen to lose face, it's kinda important to bear that in mind when asking for refunds too.
I've just ordered a brass sentinel M16 also for a tenner.
No idea what to do with it but its'a start.
The really slow order that arrived last month was delayed once it had landed - either at Heathrow or RM
Midnight and I had orders 2 days apart and every step of the way, mine remained 2 days behind hers on all the updates - only when they got to the UK did mine fall further behind.
There's something nostalgic about waiting for FT orders - like the days when every minute running up to Christmas felt like an eternity
I have two more FT orders on the way. About 3 days apart. First one was drippers, second was the M16 mod, some needle tip bottles, a watch (which I am probably taking a risk with) and a pack of fake moustaches :D
No idea what to do with it but its'a start.

Polish it.

A lot.

Tis a good buy. No, a very good buy. I got a Bagua 14500 today and tried swapping the dripper I did the Ekowool review with onto it from the M16. The difference was stunning. Whereas everything coming from the battery hits the coil on the Sentinel it just plain doesn't on the Bagua.
Another example of rip-off FT: The new SS Vamo V5 listed today for an unbelievably expensive £20.

Can someone give me an example of the high priced mods because I'm fucked if I can find one.
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