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Kayfun V4 Clone Arrived - Gobsmacked

I remember watching that when I got my KFLv2 which was my first rebuildable and thought it looked a tad bit too complicated at the time. Gonna have to give that a go now though :)

I found it easier than the standard horizontal build, just because you can use a drill bit or similar in the airhole (rather than a toothpick) and steady the coil whilst you put strain on the wires for fastening down to the deck.

It might be a struggle, first time round, until you've got yourself a process, but I found it to be a worthwhile investment.
I have just ordered a kayfun 4 from vapegeek. Lets hope i dont loose any of the bits this time lol
I've got an robbottech on the way but a while ago I got this on order....

Given that other versions on the site are more popular and have better ranking it's really not bad at all. It did smell of machine oil and the bottom of the tank was a bit finicky on first use. The 510 pin only has about a quarter of a turn before it is too snug to open the juice control.

The threads are good, it fits together well, the air control is good (although inconvenient) and the flavour is superb. If the robbottech is better than this in any way I'll be a happy man. ;)
Personally Im not a fan of the chimney build in the KFL, so havent yet tried it on my KF4.

I find the horizontal coils are pretty simple, although I have got a 0.4mm wire coil in mine right now and it was tricky to trap the wire under the heads :)
although I have got a 0.4mm wire coil in mine right now and it was tricky to trap the wire under the heads :)

I struggled at times with .32mm (28 gauge) wire. Just wish the screw heads had a little more overhang to make nipping the wire to the deck a little easier!
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