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Kayfun V4 Clone Arrived - Gobsmacked

My one from ft arrived today and it was utter shit. Looking at the box I think it's the moander one. Couldn't remove the build deck without a wrench, filled it with snake oil and opened the juice channels but the the juice control ring came off and the deck won't come off again! It got thrown up the garden!

Can't be the moander one mate, had glowing reviews all round.

What made you think it was moander? If it was the box and packaging there are a few manufactures now copying the packaging.
Can't be the moander one mate, had glowing reviews all round.

What made you think it was moander? If it was the box and packaging there are a few manufactures now copying the packaging.

Likely not a moander one then... I was going off of the box.
Might put an order in on puff palace
Elegant vapour have the Kayfun 4 in stock but not sure which version it is.

They are usually top notch anyway as they won't sell crap.
My one from ft arrived today and it was utter shit. Looking at the box I think it's the moander one. Couldn't remove the build deck without a wrench, filled it with snake oil and opened the juice channels but the the juice control ring came off and the deck won't come off again! It got thrown up the garden!


Thanks, was interested to see which one it was. The new KF's are definitely more complicated and when they're not right it makes things more difficult to sort out. An allen key or screw driver will fit in the air holes so you get some more purchase on it, try rubber gloves too. That's if you can find it in the shrubbery ;)
Thanks, was interested to see which one it was. The new KF's are definitely more complicated and when they're not right it makes things more difficult to sort out. An allen key or screw driver will fit in the air holes so you get some more purchase on it, try rubber gloves too. That's if you can find it in the shrubbery ;)

Rubber gloves... Good idea! I have had to use a wrench on the section above the airflow and an Allen key in the air holes. A lot of people have said there's were stiff but opened fairly easy with something in the air hole and opened with ease after that. Mine seemed to get worse after putting back together and threads felt stiff!
Oh well, got a spare drip tip and tanks for when I can find a moander one in stock!
Do you find, on the clone that the Juice flow ring (hex type ring) maybe not rough but "sharp" edges I'm sure that's causing my issue, sure we have a slight tolerance issue ( I have seen this before with valves I have worked) am going to buff the juice flow area up when it's stripped.

I will get this working just like original or completely kill it

The juice flow working well now (good as the original)

I stripped down the clone and soaked in WD40 for 20 mins, washed in the Jewelry cleaner.

I put a little (just a touch) Noalox on the threads of the juice flow (base to deck)

Adjusting the juice flow a pleasure now, don't think you will match the original overall but a lot closer now.

Just a thought!

While I was messing about with the K4's I got my trusty Kayfun lite out of retirement, popped a 1.3 ohm coil and some Spectrum Custard Cream and you know the vape is just as good as the K4 and refilling isn't a big issue to me anyway; I'm starting to think why I bothered with the Original or the clone

Probably the hype and buzz of another shiny toy!

@ least I have two decent RTA's ready to go!
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