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Looking for my first genuine RDA, advice needed.


Nov 4, 2013
I'm looking to get my first proper RDA and have looked up reviews on the net and youtube but am still in doubt which one to choose.

The most important things i would expect it to have are a good ariflow and taste (reduced chamber) and the option of using a dual coil setup. Sofar i've managed to narrow it down to the following models:

1. Nimbus V2.5 (3?)
2. Atomic
3. Omega
4. Helios
5. Other???

Can anyone help me narrow it down out of user experience?

Thank you in advance.

all these you have mentioned are great, based on other vaper's experience and feedback.

looking at which ones are available for purchase..and the customs and shipping involved to get it to you should narrow it down :)

If you already have a budget RDA and want to move up to a better one..all of them are great! Immortalizer is a good option as well ;) (just added one more for you to think about!!)
i have The Immortalizer love it good vapour and flavour
Cheers for the feedback!

Already have the IGO W so will add the immortalizer to the list and look into it.

Needs more thought :D
IGO W might take a few more weeks to get delivered to me because I ordered it at Slowtech :(

In the meantime decided to get an Immortalizer from Shmovapes though :D
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