Correct. But what I don’t understand is that the UKVIA, for example, stand to lose a lot if these restrictions go ahead. You would think they would be doing all they can to fight it. But they seem to be staying silent. So far at least! If I was a member I would be questioning why they don’t have a representative at parliament
No they aren't silent.. to be fair.
They've sent this letter to the PM.
and this is their official response to the consultation
.. and this is other stuff they've been doing.
Speaking up for vaping
The UKVIA has been working hard to advocate the potential public health impact of vaping to government, MPs, peers and public health bodies.
Activities have included:
Appearing as a witness before the Health and Social Care Committee in the House of Commons, as part of the inquiry into youth vaping. You can see the recording of our evidence
Providing industry submissions to key consultations, including the UK Government’s Youth Vaping Call for Evidence, which can be viewed here as well as the Scottish Government’s review of the environmental impact of disposable vapes, which can be found here.
Directly engaging with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), as well as executive agencies including Public Health England (PHE) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), on the importance of promoting vaping products to smokers and key industry challenges.
Undertaking wider stakeholder engagement by liaising with and briefing key bodies and organisations, including the Local Government Association, Cancer Research UK, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, Chartered Institute of Trading Standards, and many more.