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Parliament Petition: Don’t ban flavoured e-liquids for e-cigarettes

When i last looked there were 5,773 out of how many Vapers. This is the reason petitions fail, some vapers obviously don't give a flying fuck about vaping. I will never sign anything else regarding vaping, when it's gone it's gone. Before i signed this new one i knew that people responding to it was going to be low, one of the reasons i wasn't going to sign. People have a annoying habit of letting others down, Ordered my last E-Liquid yesterday and that will be the last i order. Once my Liquid has gone then i am.
Up to over 8.5k now, and only been going since yesterday.. doesn't seem too bad...
.. and I can't see the point in saying it will fail until it has already done so...

I know things can get you down (especially when meddled with by a fuckwit government), but the only thing we can do is tell them they are wrong...
.. and if they don't listen, then the regs will have to be circumnavigated in any which way possible...
Up to over 8.5k now, and only been going since yesterday.. doesn't seem too bad...
.. and I can't see the point in saying it will fail until it has already done so...

I know things can get you down (especially when meddled with by a fuckwit government), but the only thing we can do is tell them they are wrong...
.. and if they don't listen, then the regs will have to be circumnavigated in any which way possible...

Almost 9.5k now.... we'll have a government response soon.
they can just bump at the 100000 it if the subject has already been debated or if there is one scheduled.
they can just bump at the 100000 it if the subject has already been debated or if there is one scheduled.

you are 100% correct but it’s better than doing nothing if it keeps getting pushed and more sign it will get better

but 10k people is more response than the original consultation in my minds eye
Needs to get to 100,000, the Government response at 10,000 will be a bullshit one, they always are, whatever the subject matter is.
Needs to get to 100,000, the Government response at 10,000 will be a bullshit one, they always are, whatever the subject matter is.
Theoretically possible - there are things underway to make sure every one that buys a device or e-liquid in a shop or online will get a card and information about all this blasted at them.

A lot of casual users will not bother though - and i think a lot of people are still suffering PTSD from all the fractured campaigns against the TPD.

if the egos can all stick to the one campaign (which is nothing to do with any trade association)and not split off into their own little factions like last time - it stands a reasonable chance.

I dont personally have any faith the trade associations will do anything - i hope they prove me wrong. History is not on their side tho.
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Signed, shared and contacted my local MP for Aberdeen South (Stephen Flynn) yesterday.

I watched the Health and Social Wellbeing committee talk about the proposed vaping restrictions a couple of days ago. That awful Hazel Cheeseman from ASH was there to put forth ASH and her own anti vaping ideas, which include a huge rise in tax on vaping products, which the government may also look at. But nobody for the pro vaping side which I found odd but unsurprising. There was a doctor (whose name I can’t remember) there talking about the drop in smoking rates etc and numerous studies in favour of vaping, but obviously ASH got more time to speak.

I know Vic Mullin is a divisive figure, but his latest video on YouTube just shows you why this industry is in trouble. The UKVIA have 49 full members paying £10500 a year for the pleasure. Yet one of those members is crowdfunding for a lawyer to fight the restrictions. Why is it that organisations that are supposed to help the industry, won’t help at all when it comes down to it? Why is there a member of UKVIA crowdfunding for a lawyer, when the UKVIA takes in 100s of thousands of £s a year, and each of those members takes in the same??
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Just been chatting to V101, they have just put posters up in store, and are putting a banner up on their site and putting links in their emails. That will get to a good few more people. Hopefully more follow suit.
All associations, groups are the same, once they have your hard earned cash they don't give a fuck. Much like MP's, they will be your best friend until you have voted for them. In life there are givers and takers and the takers don't need you once they have taken, until the next time they want something.
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