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Parliament Petition: Don’t ban flavoured e-liquids for e-cigarettes

i can’t see that. you think vapers will be sticking themselves to the motorway with bloo slushee?
Also - those just stop oil dudes - no matter how pure the motives are, they are frigging idiots - and it clearly doesnt work.

at lesst 50% of them are just there because they are eternal protestors - no matter what the cause.
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They are all too busy arguing about a ceasefire they have no control over and trying to get rid of the speaker now anyway.

Nobody is listening.
Also - those just stop oil dudes - no matter how pure the motives are, they are figging idiots - and it clearly doesnt work.

I disagree. Even on your bday :)

They're annoying - but that's the point. Because it's serious shit (existential threat to the planet and humanity and all that) and no matter what they've tried (polite, respectful, disruptive, dramatic) - they are met with indifference and non-action. Worse than that actually... more fossil fuel projects being approved. And fracking projects. And green schemes being undermined. And endless talk of net zero without any meaningful changes.

I personally can't be arsed to protest, and I still fill up my bike with unleaded. But at least these dudes are trying something... anything... to make people listen. For that I respect them, I really do.

at lesst 50% of them are just there because they are eternal protestors - no matter what the cause.

I'll give you that one :)
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I disagree. Even on your bday :)

They're annoying - but that's the point. Because it's serious shit (existential threat to the planet and humanity and all that) and no matter what they've tried (polite, respectful, disruptive, dramatic) - they are met with indifference and non-action. Worse than that actually... more fossil fuel projects being approved. And fracking projects. And green schemes being undermined. And endless talk of net zero without any meaningful changes.

I personally can't be arsed to protest, and I still fill up my bike with unleaded. But at least these dudes are trying something... anything... to make people listen. For that I respect them, I really do.

I'll give you that one :)

I do have respect for certain protesters if they do it in the right manner, them oil protestors are just nut jobs. Take the Snooker and that Protestor who climbed on the table and threw that stuff all over. How's that supposed to help what they are protesting over, all they are doing is turning joe public against them, infact they are damaging any respect the people had for them or the cause they are fighting for.
I do have respect for certain protesters if they do it in the right manner, them oil protestors are just nut jobs. Take the Snooker and that Protestor who climbed on the table and threw that stuff all over. How's that supposed to help what they are protesting over, all they are doing is turning joe public against them, infact they are damaging any respect the people had for them or the cause they are fighting for.
This - they are making the pool of prospective supporters smaller by their actions.
Stopping people getting to work, home, hospital on time is just turning people away from it.

for instance - i am
Sympathetic to their cause - but would not hesitate to kick one out of the way of my vehicle - and it would absolutely make me not join their group
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