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Small things we do while vaping that deserve no explanation

I save all my boxes for mods and tanks and have a box for my boxes, its the box box.
Fed up of digging out the boxes from the box box when I want tank spares, ive removed all the spares bags from the boxes and labled them for wich tank they are for and put them in a bag, it's the bag bag.
Now I dont have to dig the correct box out of the box box to find tank spares, just grab the bag bag out of the box box. much easier.

I left it way too long before sticking a bit of paper in every spares bag to identify what thing it was for. "I'll just remember" is not scalable to extreme volume.

Almost as big a mistake as the drunken logic of "it makes a lot more sense to just put all the spare o-rings into one bag".
Overhang, underhang, don't give a jot.
Looks like I'm another sick man then, if it overhangs, underhangs, I just don't care, I like it looking a bit higgledy-piggledy :muhaha:
Yes, but then I expect deviancy and abnormal behaviour from Forest fans.
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