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Smoking Rates fall to lowest on record

Strangely I think I'm a heavier vaper than I was a smoker. Weird

One of the reasons I'd found vaping offputting at first was because it seemed like the people who were doing it never had the mod out of their hands/mouths so I assumed that it didn't work very well as a cigarette substitute. Now I am one of thse people who vapes pretty much all the time but now know that it IS a very good sub for smoking I started looking into why this might be the case. There's also the argument that it tastes a lot better and is therefore more pleasurable but I think that vaping e juice is simply less efficient at delivering the nic hit that a combusted ciggy does. Tobacco companies have been making those evil little sticks for years and theres a good reason why there's so many bloody chemicals in them - they're designed to deliver instant gratification. There are also chemicals that suppress the coughing mechanism, that create a less visible smoke cloud...the list goes on. Right now tho I'd rather vape all day than pick up even a single ciggy, light it and put it to my lips and inhale. I'm convinced that even 1 cigarette a day is putting more harmful cack into my body than chain vaping is :)
Well I can promise you two things.
Firstly, The above news item will be buried in the middle pages of the Sun and the Daily Mail, unlike the ' Exploding E-cig' front page shock stories.
Secondly, vaping as a cessation aid will not even get a mention when the 'Stoptober' anti-smoking promotion appears on TV and newspapers.
Well I can promise you two things.
Firstly, The above news item will be buried in the middle pages of the Sun and the Daily Mail, unlike the ' Exploding E-cig' front page shock stories.
Secondly, vaping as a cessation aid will not even get a mention when the 'Stoptober' anti-smoking promotion appears on TV and newspapers.

Think during Stoptober (you know before Movember ...WTF?!) electronic cigarettes will get mentioned a lot but not vaping.
I think that there are a lot more medical professionals out there recommending vaping to patients as a smoking cessation aid than are willing to stand up and make that recommendation 'on record'. Was chatting to the fella in my local b&m about a fortnight ago and he mentioned that in the previous 2 days he'd had 7 people come in to buy/make enquiries who all said that their GP/Nurse had advised them to give vaping a go after all previous attempts to quit had failed and they were now suffering from serious smoking related illnesses. The b&m vape shop is literally 1 min away from my GPs surgery and every doctor/nurse I've spoken to there has been nothing but enthusiastic and encouraging about my new vaping habit. In fact the nurse I see on a weekly basis is vaping now herself and we suport each other and recommend e juices to each other. The cause of vaping IS moving forward despite the best attempts of some very powerful and influential detractors - the very fact that they haven't managed to 'kill' vaping before now says to me that they're fighting against the tide here, us vape fans, and the industry as a whole, need to stay informed, vocal, and stick to our guns!!
Vape on!
I was advised by my Dr to quit smoking,he gave me a huge pile of pamphlets with advice on stopping.They ended up in the recycle bin and I carried on destroying 50g tobacco daily.I heard about vaping,bought my first kit & soon a second to use whilst the first was recharging.I smoked my last ciggy on a tues night,switched to vaping next morning & haven't smoked in 3+ years.

I have been told numerous times "I thought you didn't smoke" or "those things are worse than ciggys" yet I've continued vaping and those same people who criticised me for vaping are now vapers themselves.

I haven't been back to the Drs since I stopped smoking(health improvements mean no need)I have saved so much money through stopping I now own 2 motorcycles as well as a bloody great caravan that I can now afford to take off on holidays whenever the urge takes me.

I have watched all the PH bodies scream & shout about smoking rates dropping are due to their concerted efforts,that its due to all the support networks PH created,but only in the last few days have I seen vaping getting any (possible) credit.I have seen for myself how vaping has taken hold amongst smokers,outside pubs/clubs etc where I would previously have to walk through a stinking cloud of 2nd hand smoke I now see them clutching various types of mod. Vaping will continue to "cure" smokers,but I wonder how long before PH finally admit that fact.
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