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Squid Industries Double Barrel mod 3FVape

I received a mail that a replacement will be shipped to me. It also says that the battery door of the replacement ‘has a little mark because of the testing’.
We’ll see what arrives in what state.
At the moment I don’t have a good feeling about this whole story just utterly disappointed.
They probably did the crushing they advertised in the film on one of the faulty mods and are sending it to me.
Hopefully it’s not Barney Rubble, the guy who did the ‘this is how you squash an 18650 into a double barrel’ YouTube tutorial who tested it.

I think you mean this guy :)

They probably did the crushing they advertised in the film on one of the faulty mods and are sending it to me.

I'd take a really careful look at the battery contacts in the mod before powering it up just in case they have gone all Bam Bam on it.

At least if its only a cosmetic mark on the door you can replace it with the one from the first one they sent you i guess.
@Gina3fvape - I apologise in advance as I have not bought one of these mods from yourselves. However, what I will say is that it is COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE AND DOWNRIGHT DANGEROUS to suggest that people force their batteries into their mods as your video suggests. Can I please request that this video is removed from your site and anywhere else you may have linked it as soon as possible before someone is seriously hurt. Could YOU personally sleep at night knowing that people are putting theirselves at risk following your company directions? I'm not having a go at you directly, but this has got to stop. If someone blows their face off, guess what - we're all in the spotlight and if that happens, people will stop buying stuff from you. Maybe your companies conscience won't be bothered but your bank balance certainly will.

And no, I'm not being a drama queen, if you short the positive pole to the negative case of your battery by forcing it down, you will have venting if you're lucky, and if you're using a crappy cell you'll have an explosion, as the battery will become too hot to handle in less than 1.2 seconds let alone trying to separate the contacted metal - if you're lucky it'll melt away.
Still awaiting my replacement, though it seems to be on the way. What I did find interesting, and thought worth reporting back, was that when I offered to send the faulty mod back to 3FVape they said not to bother because 'the manufacturer does not provide warranty'. Seems we're definitely not in Kansas anymore?
Still awaiting my replacement, though it seems to be on the way. What I did find interesting, and thought worth reporting back, was that when I offered to send the faulty mod back to 3FVape they said not to bother because 'the manufacturer does not provide warranty'. Seems we're definitely not in Kansas anymore?
Should have posted that I received my Battery Cover yesterday. It doesn't fit, like the original, so I will have to fettle it like the original if I need it.
Should have posted that I received my Battery Cover yesterday. It doesn't fit, like the original, so I will have to fettle it like the original if I need it.
Well, there's a surprise .......... ;)
When you two get your mods through then I think we should be having a celebration party.

*If they work
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