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UK to raise smoking age from 18, by one year, every year.

I think part of the difficulty here is that we typically only see the results when those kind of drugs 'abused'.

I'm far from an expert on this, but I thought most harm came from needle infections, overdose and what they are cut with?

Derivatives (not sure if that's the right word) of cocaine and heroin are used in medical fields too.

I'm not sure they are as destructive (as a whole on society) as tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse. I really don't know but when you look at how many people smoking kills each year and all the effects alcohol has on people and the families.... you are probably right, but I'm not entirely convinced by the governments classifications.

People don't believe me when I tell them how much weed smoking has damaged a couple of my ex-friends, but it sure as hell has. If I didn't know better I would think it literally rotted their brains out. They are like walking fucking brain dead morons these days.... but maybe that's just my perception and they are actually fine?

Aye, it's too complex, I think the classification and control of substances is based on perceived dependence, which Im no even sure the experts can completely agree on.
Aye, it's too complex, I think the classification and control of substances is based on perceived dependence, which Im no even sure the experts can completely agree on.

it cannae be that because LSD and ecstasy are class a drugs and neither is addictive. that it seems too complex is probably mostly because governments make it up depending on what they think will be popular with the masses.

There is not much health to impact if you are dead;)

this is true, and i think it’s definitely the case that smoking fags kills more people than any of the class a drugs ;)
It might just be on it's effectiveness.... (or strength, I suppose) We can buy some opioids like Codeine .. we can get stronger opioids if prescribed or in hospital.

I found this here...


"Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. Pharmaceutical fentanyl was originally developed to manage pain in cancer patients. However, illicitly manufactured fentanyl is sold on its own or combined with other drugs, such as heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine. As a result, provisional data showed that fentanyl (along with other synthetic opioids) was responsible for more than 71,000 deaths in 2021 alone."

.. are most drugs controlled by strength?

Smoking is kind of different because it's the smoke that kills you, not the drug.

It might just be on it's effectiveness.... (or strength, I suppose) We can buy some opioids like Codeine .. we can get stronger opioids if prescribed or in hospital.

I found this here...


"Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. Pharmaceutical fentanyl was originally developed to manage pain in cancer patients. However, illicitly manufactured fentanyl is sold on its own or combined with other drugs, such as heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine. As a result, provisional data showed that fentanyl (along with other synthetic opioids) was responsible for more than 71,000 deaths in 2021 alone."

.. are most drugs controlled by strength?

Smoking is kind of different because it's the smoke that kills you, not the drug.


this research concluded that alcohol is the most harmful drug, followed by heroin and crack. but i don’t think they included tobacco.


it seems the law around drugs is a bit of a mess and not fit for purpose.

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