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UK to raise smoking age from 18, by one year, every year.

you could say the same about smoking. could be 150 quid a week habit and ten or twenty years in they’ll be struggling to breath and walk up a set of stairs.
Many smack addicts don't even make it to 10 years...
I don't know how many functioning ones there are.. maybe all the junkies I have known have been non-functioning...
Many smack addicts don't even make it to 10 years...
I don't know how many functioning ones there are.. maybe all the junkies I have known have been non-functioning...

well the first point to consider is that most people addicted to anything, other than fags, are unlikely to tell you about it.
you could say the same about smoking. could be 150 quid a week habit and ten or twenty years in they’ll be struggling to breath and walk up a set of stairs.
That may be so but in the intervening 10 or 20 years the smoker probably wont be a complete pain in the arse for the rest of society.
That may be so but in the intervening 10 or 20 years the smoker probably wont be a complete pain in the arse for the rest of society.

it might be different where you live, but round here i find the students more bothersome :)
there are loads of functioning heroin addicts out there who work jobs, have weans, normal lives etc. just like there are loads of functioning alcies.

I don't doubt that there are some, but we don't know, what we do know is Heroin, cocaine and other class A drugs are more destructive and faster paced...so no nicotine should not be placed in the same class as them IMO.
Yes, but there's all sorts...

I've known people (most of us have) whose character has completely changed using hard drugs, and coming with it, a diminished lifestyle (in various forms)...

Put it another way, those that get say a crack/heroin/meth addiction, it hasn't exactly helped them...
.. if their life was hard before, then it's only gonna get worse...

There is all sorts for sure.

The only experience I have of this kind of thing, they didn't care and they didn't think things could get any worse. I guess it's hard to understand as I was on the outside looking in.. but I think they did think it was helping them, at least helping them get through each day.

But fundamentally, there was something behind it... that if was solved, sorted for them.. then they probably wouldn't have started using it in the first place. Well, I know they wouldn't have.
I don't doubt that there are some, but we don't know, what we do know is Heroin, cocaine and other class A drugs are more destructive and faster paced...so no nicotine should not be placed in the same class as them IMO.
I presume you meant smoking nicotine there.. as (surely all on the forum know) nicotine in itself is relatively benign (as long as not used at toxic levels)...

But yes, I agree with your point completely...
.. I wonder if Zouzou simply likes us to type a bunch of derailing posts on the forum... ;)
I presume you meant smoking nicotine there.. as (surely all on the forum know) nicotine in itself is relatively benign (as long as not used at toxic levels)...

But yes, I agree with your point completely...
.. I wonder if Zouzou simply likes us to type a bunch of derailing posts on the forum... ;)
Zou is an angler, I often watch as he skillfully plays his quary into the net.
I don't doubt that there are some, but we don't know, what we do know is Heroin, cocaine and other class A drugs are more destructive and faster paced...so no nicotine should not be placed in the same class as them IMO.

I think part of the difficulty here is that we typically only see the results when those kind of drugs 'abused'.

I'm far from an expert on this, but I thought most harm came from needle infections, overdose and what they are cut with?

Derivatives (not sure if that's the right word) of cocaine and heroin are used in medical fields too.

I'm not sure they are as destructive (as a whole on society) as tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse. I really don't know but when you look at how many people smoking kills each year and all the effects alcohol has on people and the families.... you are probably right, but I'm not entirely convinced by the governments classifications.

People don't believe me when I tell them how much weed smoking has damaged a couple of my ex-friends, but it sure as hell has. If I didn't know better I would think it literally rotted their brains out. They are like walking fucking brain dead morons these days.... but maybe that's just my perception and they are actually fine?
I don't doubt that there are some, but we don't know, what we do know is Heroin, cocaine and other class A drugs are more destructive and faster paced...so no nicotine should not be placed in the same class as them IMO.

they aren’t necessarily. what we do know objectively is smoking is the most harmful in terms of health impact, though.
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