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UK to raise smoking age from 18, by one year, every year.

I can see it now. Man gets birthday card and 20 regal king size fae king on his 100th bithday. Last smoker in the country smokes last fag.
Older 'qualifying' young adults will buy/ sell fags to the younger 'disqualified' adults, plus a massive increase in the black market, it's really huge already, you can buy fags under the counter everywhere locally. 20 Richmond for a fiver, 20 Marlboro for 7.50. It's a gimmick by the Tories, stolen from Labour, populist bullshit all round. no way will they (certainly labour) stop at banning young adults from buying fags, they will (try to) ban them from vaping as well.

Across radio media yesterday and on the phone in's callers were saying that vaping was far more of a problem and far more dangerous for people than smoking, uneducated fools.
It is amusing this comes from the Tories who are not above using the 'nanny state' as a jibe when it suits. The black market will love it.
The main problem around getting vaping accepted as a safer alternative to smoking is the fact that the non vaping public have been and continue to be very successfully mis informed to a point that the bias against vaping is massive. We could do with a money no object ad campaign similar to the 1980s "Dont die of ignorance" AIDS campaign, and I cant see the Govt going for that.
Will Rishi Sunak's plan to ban smoking in UK work?

Amongst other things already mentioned -
And while health experts are pleased with the announcement on smoking, there is real frustration about the approach taken to obesity, which is estimated to cost the NHS twice the £3bn a year spent dealing with the ill-health caused by smoking.

That is why some research has suggested obesity is now an even bigger threat to the health of the nation than smoking - while smoking rates have declined four-fold since the 1970s, obesity rates have gone in the opposite direction.
Older 'qualifying' young adults will buy/ sell fags to the younger 'disqualified' adults, plus a massive increase in the black market, it's really huge already, you can buy fags under the counter everywhere locally. 20 Richmond for a fiver, 20 Marlboro for 7.50. It's a gimmick by the Tories, stolen from Labour, populist bullshit all round. no way will they (certainly labour) stop at banning young adults from buying fags, they will (try to) ban them from vaping as well.

Across radio media yesterday and on the phone in's callers were saying that vaping was far more of a problem and far more dangerous for people than smoking, uneducated fools.

they will get round this by making the tariff for illegal fag sales 10 years in prison, with double sentences for repeat offenders.
They say that smoking is an appetite suppressant so it should come as no surprise that there is a commensurate rise in obesity as the number of smokers falls.
they will get round this by making the tariff for illegal fag sales 10 years in prison, with double sentences for repeat offenders.
So are you saying they plan to treat illegal sales of tobacco a bit like Class A drugs?
(not that harsh penalties have stopped them)
So are you saying they plan to treat illegal sales of tobacco a bit like Class A drugs?
(not that harsh penalties have stopped them)

i don’t think class a drugs should be illegal. but smoking tobacco is probably more harmful to one’s health. so if they go by that measure miby it should be life :)
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