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UK to raise smoking age from 18, by one year, every year.

I'm always very uncertain on drug questions, but what you say is objectively true. I read Sir Arthur Doyle and it's always felt strange that both Morphine and Cocaine were legal and Holmes sees fit to use them on occasion.

A quick look online suggests that until 1916 drug use was hardly controlled at all and the 'dangerous drugs act' of 1920 was when it all really kicked in. It would certainly be interesting to go back and see what things were like.

aye, socially acceptable and totally unremarkable. vicars would be passing round laudanum to the wives of the congregation at tea parties.
aye, socially acceptable and totally unremarkable. vicars would be passing round laudanum to the wives of the congregation at tea parties.

Toffs only, there were nae chimney sweeps, sweeping up lines with their Monzo's....the poor chased the green fairy n the bastards banned it:)
Toffs only, there were nae chimney sweeps, sweeping up lines with their Monzo's....the poor chased the green fairy n the bastards banned it:)

No reason to ban anything until the plebs start enjoying it too.
It's same reason want petrol cars off the roads but show no interest in banning private jets.
so the ban is on sales so the legal age will be raised each year is that the age to purchase or is it the age to use the product

as in you can't buy them but if you are caught smoking at say 21 is that against the law will the 21 or 28-year-old be knicked and fined with repeat offenders doing time ?
so the ban is on sales so the legal age will be raised each year is that the age to purchase or is it the age to use the product

as in you can't buy them but if you are caught smoking at say 21 is that against the law will the 21 or 28-year-old be knicked and fined with repeat offenders doing time ?

I think it will be as it is now, it will be illegal to buy and smoke if you are under whatever the age limit is for a particular year. I doubt anyone has ever been charged for smoking under age but policing it will be a complete farce and Challenge 25 will become Challenge whatever the age limit for that year is plus 7.
I think it will be as it is now, it will be illegal to buy and smoke if you are under whatever the age limit is for a particular year. I doubt anyone has ever been charged for smoking under age but policing it will be a complete farce and Challenge 25 will become Challenge whatever the age limit for that year is plus 7.

i think it’s actually only the sale that is illegal. not illegal for youngsters to smoke per se, but because the sale is illegal police could legitimately confiscate fags. refusal to cooperate might then be a public order offence. but i’m sure most police probably walk straight pst teenage smokers.
Toffs only, there were nae chimney sweeps, sweeping up lines with their Monzo's....the poor chased the green fairy n the bastards banned it:)

no so sure, what do ye think old ebeneezer scrooge was dishin out on the xmas future? :)
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i think it’s actually only the sale that is illegal. not illegal for youngsters to smoke per se, but because the sale is illegal police could legitimately confiscate fags. refusal to cooperate might then be a public order offence. but i’m sure most police probably walk straight pst teenage smokers.

Looks like you're right mate. Googled it and found this.
You can smoke cigarettes at any age, but you are not allowed to buy them until you are 18.
If you are caught smoking by a uniformed police officer or park keeper in a public place when under 16, he or she can take away your tobacco and cigarette papers.

I wonder if they'll add +1 to 16 each year. :18:
Both bad.. you're comparing 2 evils...
maybe so, i wouldn’t say evil, but smoking is surely the worse. there isn’t really any smoking that is not harmful.
"You're comparing 2 evils" is just a turn of phrase... I'm sure you've heard it?

And, there are plenty of types of smoking that can be harmless (or relatively so), mainly the very light or occasional smokers are unlikely to come to due harm...
.. and even heavy smokers up to a certain age (about 30 odd I think), once they have given up for a significant period (I think it's !0+ years), their lungs have cleared out enough to have same risk of disease as non-smokers...
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