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Wire and Burn Coil


New Member
Jan 12, 2016
Hi i am new to Vaping and RDA, and i bought few spool of kanthal wire 28 and 30 gauge, but when ever i build them and heat them i get burn taste, it is not burn cotton, but it is burn wire smell and taste, i dont get this smell and taste when i buy new coil, and when i use RDA and my wire it get no taste of the juice as well,
i really want to use drippers and build my own coil but i can not get any taste on it
these are the 2 type of the wire i got


and i am using kanger subox mini started kit, and for my dripper i got big dripper V2,
if anyone had the same experience and how did they fix it, or if you never had this problem if you can help it would be extremely great.

Thank you
yes i did glow them with lighter and then (few of the build ) and i did few build with out glowing, all of them are straight and the rapped wire are push together, so there wont be any shortage and everything glow even, but still i get some kind of wired taste and smell when the coil is glowing before wicking and when it is wicked i get the burn taste and the juice just lose it taste and become blend
Make sure you wash your hands before wicking - oily residue from your hands has a habit of sticking to the cotton as well which can leave a funny taste.
OK, make your coil as you usually do, BUT....... don't flame it. Mount it on to whatever Atty you are using, then attach the atty to your Mod, then, pulse the coil (Fire it in other word) until you have it glowing evenly all the way through. Then, give it a longer pulse after which, run your tweezers or Screwdriver along the coil gently, this is known by some as "strumming" the coil. This should remove any impurities etc. Once the coil has cooled sufficiently, insert your wick, build up your atty, fill as required and see how this goes instead?
Just read this again...... When you have done all I suggested in the above post.... UP UNTIL YOU REBUILD THE ATTY....... so you have your coil in place and you have your wick in there, prime the wick and coil with liquid, then pulse the coil again, repeat with liquid, then build your Atty up and you'll be good to go.
The priming is terribly important, without doing that, you'll more than likely have singe'd the wick which will leave you with the taste you are experiencing.
Hi , have some issues with my noisy cricket mod. :) , want to marry it with a goblin mini ... But I can't choose the right coil build for goblin... Help me please if it's possible :)
I don't think you'll fit a suitable coil into the goblin mini, there's not enough room. I'm sure someone might well disagree but....
nooo no , series mech mods should be used with drippers, due to the high heat and power imo, you will melt a coil in an instant in a goblin mini
Just love the look of the goblin with noisy ... which rta can i use for noisy? Wish something little like goblin mini ...
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