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Another cellucotton convert

you are a legend for finding it in the eu :D

Is that for a pack or single sheets on that website?

your welcome, Thats what this forums all about
The price is for a pack, size wise i would say at least a years supply
your welcome, Thats what this forums all about
The price is for a pack, size wise i would say at least a years supply

I may have slightly overdone it with my order then.
Just a teensy weensy bit.

Anyone need any Japanese cotton?

I may have slightly overdone it with my order then.
Just a teensy weensy bit.

Anyone need any Japanese cotton?


If you'd like to send some my way mucho appreciado :0)

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I was in need of cotton, but because you said this was the most amazing thing ever, the future of my rebuildables wicking is now dependent on your word.

No pressure. I know where you live.

Well I did offer,but as you wanted to keep your place of abode secret from me you can stick it :p But I have ways and means of finding out these things.
I ditched mine a day after first use, kept getting a horrible synthetic taste and the actual feel of it put me off. It feels so man made that I didn't fancy the idea of inhaling any of it, I can only compare it too soft toy stuffing or the kind of stuffing in a puffy jacket and I wouldn't fancy inhaling those either

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Nabbed some of that Muji, will report in when it gets here. You guys keep hurting my bank :P

Think the big batch of rayon I ordered will be going up for sale along with some mechs and atties once the mods approve me to post in the classies :)
got this from the postie today and i can't touch it,think i will need to don the rubber gloves to get me kayfun wicked with it :lol1:

Hahahha I know exactly what you mean it's got a really funny feel to it, I wouldn't want to use toner on my face with it (guys won't know what toner is, but it's not the stuff you put in your printer lol) xx MK
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