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As another battery explodes in a pocket-who do you blame?

At what point, did people decide that finding out if something is stupid/dangerous, or you shouldn't do it, was SOMEONE ELSES responsibility ??
There's no excuse for not finding out for yourself. Even as a kid, I wouldn't carry batteries (I'm talking double/triple A) in my pocket, so there was no chance of accidently draining them. If something has 20 or 25A on the side, it's not fuckin rocket science to figure out its not a good idea to risk shorting it out. If anyone can't figure that out for themselves, they've no business using them !
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to take the hard line on this, battery safety is well known, after all here in the UK we used to have "Public information" film spots on TV about the dangers of incorrect battery storage - I distinctly remember one where some one was shown putting old style Zinc batteries in a drawer with wire wool and other delightful things - so people should be aware of the dangers by now...
The problem is running before learning to walk. People often do all sorts of things because they want to but do no research whatsoever into what they are going to do. In this case Batteries and the use of. Then they have the Chav answer blame everybody and everything else for their own incompetence instead of saying "yes i was a dick and couldn't be arsed to learn about what i was doing so had no education on how to store or carry batteries".
This way of existence was caused by the Government preventing parents and teachers from being able to discipline kids. So now we have a generation of people who didn't all learn at school which means they do not learn or want to learn now. Then we get all this crap in newspapers.
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to take the hard line on this, battery safety is well known, after all here in the UK we used to have "Public information" film spots on TV about the dangers of incorrect battery storage

I don't know if battery safety actually is well-known though. If you survey the public, what sort of percentage of people would know how important correct storage is, or the consequences of incorrect storage? I don't remember seeing a battery safety video before I started vaping. I grew up with a lot of battery-operated electronics, but these days it is increasingly rare to encounter an externally recharged battery. These days the only battery operated devices I have besides mods is an LED camping torch and the clock in the kitchen. Everything else has an internal rechargeable battery. A generation growing up with iPods, laptops and mobile phones etc. will probably have never thought about how to handle this stuff - the hazard, and particularly the magnitude of the hazard, is not obvious to them. A non-obvious hazard is the most risky type; I think writing "may contain nuts" on a pack of peanuts is ridiculous because it's obvious, but I think writing "incorrect handling/storage may result in thermal runaway and serious injury" on battery packaging is a good idea because for a lot of people it's not obvious at all.

I certainly don't think manufacturers or retailers are in any way liable for people misusing their products, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to have some sort of warning or instructions on a little note when you buy an 18650, just a sentence or two - it couldn't be a bad thing, it wouldn't require much effort and I think it's in everyone's best interests. I'm generally not bothered about people hurting themselves by doing stupid things until it starts to affect me - battery explosions affect all of us as vapers because it is bad press for vaping in general.
While people are all over this thread, can some1 give me a link to safety with batteries as i have just ordered my fist mod with batts. Its not mech so dont need stuff regarding that. Thanx guys.
While people are all over this thread, can some1 give me a link to safety with batteries as i have just ordered my fist mod with batts. Its not mech so dont need stuff regarding that. Thanx guys.
Have you tried searching on here for the many posts on battery safety or maybe a quick Google search perhaps? I don't want to sound like a dick but if you are only just buying your first mod with batteries and you haven't done your research already then maybe you should take a bit more time to find out these things before rushing into anything
While people are all over this thread, can some1 give me a link to safety with batteries as i have just ordered my fist mod with batts. Its not mech so dont need stuff regarding that. Thanx guys.

Basic battery safety is nothing complicated, it's just common sense. :) 18650s are high drain, high amp cells, and should be treated as such. DON'T throw them about or mis handle them. DON'T store or carry them about loose. Charge them in a good quality charger, or in the mod if you have to. If the wrap gets damaged if you can't do it yourself, get it re wrapped. If there's ANY damage to the cell itself DISPOSE of it (properly) IMMEDIATLY.
You still need to know exactly what power the cells are capable of producing, while a regulated mod dose provide some safety nets, it won't stop you asking too much from the cells. It SHOULDN'T turn nasty, but you'll fry the cells.
Have you tried searching on here for the many posts on battery safety or maybe a quick Google search perhaps? I don't want to sound like a dick but if you are only just buying your first mod with batteries and you haven't done your research already then maybe you should take a bit more time to find out these things before rushing into anything
Yer fair play mate. Not really rushing into out, just taking the next step and preparing for it. Appreciate your response because it is more than i thought, i will look into it cheers.
Basic battery safety is nothing complicated, it's just common sense. :) 18650s are high drain, high amp cells, and should be treated as such. DON'T throw them about or mis handle them. DON'T store or carry them about loose. Charge them in a good quality charger, or in the mod if you have to. If the wrap gets damaged if you can't do it yourself, get it re wrapped. If there's ANY damage to the cell itself DISPOSE of it (properly) IMMEDIATLY.
You still need to know exactly what power the cells are capable of producing, while a regulated mod dose provide some safety nets, it won't stop you asking too much from the cells. It SHOULDN'T turn nasty, but you'll fry the cells.
I think it is just the wraps i need to worry about tbh. How often do you have to do that?? Is it hard work or relatively easy?
Yer fair play mate. Not really rushing into out, just taking the next step and preparing for it. Appreciate your response because it is more than i thought, i will look into it cheers.
No worries bud, just don't want you to run before you can walk and all that [emoji6]
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