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Do i need a DNA 20/30


Jul 12, 2014
Loads of folk rave about these chips..... Here's food for thought. I rebuilt a protank mini with a 1.1 ohm nano coil. If I run it on my MVP at 5 volts this gives me around 22 watts!

Opinions anyone?

Drip. Vape. Cloud. REPEAT!
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No, your mvp does not give you 22watts, its current limited.

And no, you dont need a dna20/dna30 device, I personally wouldn't buy either, although I do have a half finished 2*18650 dna20 tin mod knocking about, its just so far behind the output of my mechs and I'm so busy with work, I can't get up the enthusiasm to finish it at the moment, maybe when work calms down I will, I'm sure someone will appreciate 20 watts and near 6000mah in an altoids tin. :)
Its not even close to finished, never mind for sale yet lol. And with work being busy its something I'll cone back to in autumn when work calms down.
i didn't need one, i didn't even like box mods particularly, but a vicious attack of shinyitis saw a CANA DNA30 land on my doorstep, and i use it daily. it tends to be my evening device using drippers and my non ADV juices, with my mechs and kayfuns doing the daily grind with my ADV due to their more pocket friendly shape. i don't know what it is about the CANA that i like so much, but i wouldn't want to part with it at the moment.
I haven't used any of my mechs since I got my dna30, I'll probably stick the lot in the classies when I get my sx350 box.

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