I started off with a pen style vape stick which I bought more to support the missus who was trying to quit rather than any real attempt at giving up - funilly enough I ended up quitting and she is still smoking..
I went from around 20-25 rollies a day down to 5 within the first week, then 3 a day after 2 weeks and one a day until the end of the month.
About a month in I was out with the work crowd for a summer drinks do and had, perhaps a few to many, beverages and was feeling rotten the next day. Couldn't face the cigs so vaped all day instead and decided then that I wouldn't be going back to them, chucked out all my baccy, papers etc... and that was about 14 months ago.
It really was quite a liberating experience as that one hungover day was the first time in over 15 years I had gone a whole day without a fag.