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UK Incremental Smoking Ban (Tobacco & Vapes Bill) Starts Journey Into Law

But I don't understand the cash angle...

Gradually prohibiting whole generations from smoking will push more people towards the black market.
And while they will be taxing vapes (so will gain cash from that), it looks like they will probably ban all sweet/fruit flavours, thereby creating a huge (and non-taxable) black market in vape liquid...

The cash angle is big pharma and big tobacco loosing cash, they are as you know very powerful across the globe pensions, stocks n shares, tax n shit....n along comes blue slush....nah fk that, lets put a stop to that.
The UK is small and they will easily make up monies from elsewhere if it comes to that .....New Zealand shat the nest and backtracked, Australia is wobbling...... why... the power of big business.
The UK will shit the nest also, to some extent that will please big pharma n big tobacco, but only once vaping has been well restricted. and their coffers are restored.
The black market won't be as big as some may think, a fly in the ointment as far as they will be concerned and a blind eye will be turned.
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The cash angle is big pharma and big tobacco loosing cash, they are as you know very powerful across the globe pensions, stocks n shares, tax n shit....n along comes blue slush....nah fk that, lets put a stop to that.
The UK is small and they will easily make up monies from elsewhere if it comes to that .....New Zealand shat the nest and backtracked, Australia is wobbling...... why... the power of big business.
The UK will shit the nest also, to some extent that will please big pharma n big tobacco, but only once vaping has been well restricted. and their coffers are restored.
The black market won't be as big as some may think, a fly in the ointment as far as they will be concerned and a blind eye will be turned.

aye but they are losing money either way. the government plans to phase out fags until they are no legal to buy at all, for anybody. whether it actually happens or gets bunked in a couple of years.
it’s interesting that they don’t want people vaping specifically. they don’t seem to object to nicorette gum and suchlike. or even that rotten nicotine spray you can buy.
I think people are gonna order vapes anyway from different country... Gov just gonna lose money. It has happened before in some countries that have banned vapes.
I think people are gonna order vapes anyway from different country... Gov just gonna lose money. It has happened before in some countries that have banned vapes.
Interesting thought, but I'm not sure how doable or practical that would be...

Let's say that Bloo Slushie juice is banned in this country, you would have thought it would be banned to import as well.

Many other countries have already, or are planning on, more vape restrictions, and cross-border sales are getting more problematic as well.
We don't sell many vapes to other countries anymore, and some stuff gets sent back. e.g. recently we sent some some flavour concentrate (no nicotine, and not necessarily for vaping) to the Czech Republic, and customs wouldn't let it through, and it got sent back. And the reason it is blocked isn't always stamped with "Interdit" either - it can frequently be marked with some spurious reason (like "non réclamé").

One thing seems for certain, and that's that come Oct 2026, any imported e-liquid, if allowed through, will have vape excise duty added (on top of other taxes & charges).
Some interesting, but depressing, articles from POTV news, highlighting the ignorance and stupidity of politicians, especially a certain Dr Caroline Johnson...

These are the people determining the fate of millions in terms of tobacco harm reduction.
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Meanwhile the chancellor has found another black hole with a £2.6b drop in revenue from tobacco as smokers are increasingly buying illegally imported cigarettes, official figures show they make up nearly 15% of tobacco sales, other estimates suggest it could be far higher. Considering she's supposedly an 'economics expert' it seems she forgot all about the Laffer Curve. It of course also means the can't buy tobacco if born after 1/1/2009 may well not have the desired effect and is no doubt what is in store for vapers when the e-liquid duty raid arrives.

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In case anyone was wondering...

Where is the Bill now?

The Bill passed its second reading in the House of Commons in November with ease. It also completed the Committee Stage in January where some suggested amendments were put forward.

The proposed legislation is now awaiting the Report stage, where it will undergo further scrutiny before MPs vote on it again in a third reading. If approved, it will then proceed to the House of Lords for further consideration before being put forward for Royal Assent.
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