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Vaccine 90% effective

dr vam tam says he would be at the front of the queue which is pleasant, me i would like to be at the back of the queue as I had a really bad ride with the swine flu vaccine the one that caused that pesky thing narcolepsy in a load of of nurses
Is there an antibody test out there yet (that works)? People could have that first and if they have antibodies then they could legitimately choose not to be vaccinated, besides, perhaps someone who's already had covid would get some sort of bad reaction if they go on to have the vaccine. I mean like I know fuck all, but you cant/ shouldn't just go around injecting people willy nilly with something that has been fast tracked and hoping for the best. History is littered with groups of people being vaccinated or given drugs that have ruined their health or killed them. Asbestos at one time was the worlds greatest invention.
I read somewhere they are excempt from prosecution if anything goes tits up.
or did i dream that.
I read somewhere they are excempt from prosecution if anything goes tits up.
or did i dream that.

that’s the oxford one. they aren’t exempt from prosecution, what is happening is that the government will be liable rather than the pharmaceutical company involved (can’t remember which one. astra zeneca?)
Now I don't know too many people in their old age but I know a few and they have all said something similar, my mother who is quite ill said " Don't waste the vaccine on us old fogies, we have lived our lives, save it for the frontline workers and the middle-aged/young vulnerable and the people with plenty of living to do".

I wonder how many other people in their latter years feel the same.
Both of those articles say the same thing, although they are written from different viewpoints. In fact, there is a link from your article to mine.

they don’t. the article i posted says;

““In the contracts we have in place, we are asking for indemnification. For most countries it is acceptable to take that risk on their shoulders because it is in their national interest,”

the article you posted;

“Those affected will have no legal recourse.
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