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Coil advice on iGo-L rebuildable


Feb 28, 2013
Hey peeps,

Is anyone out there running an iGo-L off an eGo T or similar 3.7v battery and if so,what's your setup please?

I'm making my coils out of 0.20 Kanthal A1 wire and using 3mm silica wick. I'm making sure there's plenty of air around the coil (so not touching the ground plate or wick underneath) and my coils are coming in at 2.2 ohms. Well inside the safe vaping zone but I'm still getting a bit of a burnt taste,even when the wick is well saturated and the air intake hole is lined up right on the coil. I always heat up the wire with a lighter about eight times before coiling it and dry burn it a little...juuuuust a little :-) Then I always prime before firing. It's not overly harsh,but my Vision clearo actually tastes better,which surprises me. The iG0 seems to suck some of the flavour out by comparison. My earlier coils came out at 2.4 and 2.6 ohms and they weren't kicking enough vapour out...useless to be honest.

I'm guessing if I drop down to about 1.9-2.0 ohms it's just going to fry the juice and taste worse right? If not,I'd love to know!

Also,is it normal to get loads of unvapourised juice accumulating in the cap from all those popping juice explosions or is it a sign that a slightly lower ohm coil might be the answer? Obviously my batteries have their limitations ;-)


4 wraps of .2 nichrome around a 2mm wick is what I do.
Try wrapping it slightly tighter, the more wire you have the higher the ohms.
i don't double the wick and only have about 2cm of wick on each side. I don't have masses of wick bunched up in the base.
I don't know the ohms but it vapes well.
You want the coils tightish but not strangling the wick, all touching it anyway
Cheers Wigglypops. I make five wraps,so that's interesting to know. It glows nicely on the dry burn. The centre coils glow first then the glow spreads out more towards the posts,so I think I'm the best part there. I am doubling the wick,total length before doubling is about 7cm. Might be a bit much!

Forgive my ohm related rantings. Being an electrician,it's a constant internal struggle to not get too nerdy and obsessive over all that stuff!! :-)
The first two times I did it I doubled the wick, got shit loads of throat hit and hardly any vaper. Single wick seems to work so much better
This is what I love and also hate about these rebuildables lol
There are so many different ways to do things and no one way is correct. What works for some people might be the Bain of someone else's life.
I have tried all sorts since I got my Igo, my first go was a hybrid mesh/silica wick and it was amazing but iv since tries that again and an never get it right.
I got really fed up with it and went back on the vivi novas for a while but I have fallen back in love with it this morning.
My new set up is two lenghs of 2mm silica and a twisted coil. .02 nobium with loads of wraps so I get really good surface coverage but still only 1.7 - 1.9 ohm

I like to test things at all volts and this thing with a 50/50 juice at 6v I can fog the living room out in seconds lol
Was thinking bout getting one of these but the websites insist that you check the ohms after re wicking.
wots the best cheap device that I could use for this ?

I check the resistance because I've already got the kit to do it ad I'm not buying anything else yet! Can't risk knackering either of my two batteries. I feel a Vamo is in the pipeline ;-) Considered the eGo C Twist but for twenty quid more you get a lot more bang for your buck with the Vamo. Keen to play about with variable voltage and wattage,especially with the iGo.
ssssstevo,just grab yourself a dirt cheap multimeter with test leads and probes off eBay. Doesn't have to be the most accurate thing in the world. Just needs to be able to do resistance testing.
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