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Coil advice on iGo-L rebuildable

...Also, if it's dry it will all glow red. If it's wet, it probably will not glow. Glowing indicates (to me at least) that it's not wet enough too.
Spitting happens when it's burning.

Totally agree James just trying to show how they would look if you could see them glow
Hey ssssstevo,

Stick with it fella. It gets easier with every coil you make All the spitting and the inside of the lid getting all covered in juice is normal,but I wasn't sure at first either.

Hotspots...I had loads of them on my first three or four attempts. Securing the wire to the posts was my pet hate,but I found a damn good curse and a deep breath helped. That wire isn't blokes' finger friendly! I feel like I'm performing surgery every time ;-) But the knack and feel come quickly. I'm rebuilding Vision clearos as well now.

I find the dripping pins out of the tops of e-liquid bottles are great for the wrapping bit. You can get really nice wraps without the wire strangling the wick after you've pulled the pin out. I use 0.2mm kanthal wire and a 3mm wick. I find an undoubled wick works best for me (more dripping required though) and my coils come in around 2.2-2.35 ohms every time with six wraps. I actually want to tame the hit a bit,so I'm going for seven next time and I'll see how that goes. It knocks my head off with 18mg RY4 :-) I've seen some people talking about enlargening the air intake hole,but I can't be arsed with that.....unless ten people can tell me it's brilliant in the next 24 hours :-)
Argh ! Had enough for tonight. I've went through enough wick for one day :/
Geez. I just cannot win.
Finally got the Igo wicking away well ...

My mini Lavatube has got juice running down the sides, every time I put a few drops in !

Going to bed !
Geez. I just cannot win.
Finally got the Igo wicking away well ...

My mini Lavatube has got juice running down the sides, every time I put a few drops in !

Going to bed !

Check where you have the air hole located. I was having this problem and I realised I had the air hole ( which I have enlarged) to far round towards the negative pin and the end of my wick was very close to it.
Every time I put a few drops in it was running down the wick and out of the air hole lol
Check where you have the air hole located. I was having this problem and I realised I had the air hole ( which I have enlarged) to far round towards the negative pin and the end of my wick was very close to it.
Every time I put a few drops in it was running down the wick and out of the air hole lol

Yep,I made the same mistake as well. Switching to an undoubled wick meant I got loads of clearance around the coil and I don't need a bog roll on the coffee table anymore! :-)

How has the wider hole changed the vape experience for you ocd13?
I dont know why but I drilled the hole before I ever used my Igo so I couldnt compare to a standard one. Its pretty insane though.
The amount of vapour it can produce is simply ridiculous compared to anything I have so far ( not that I have actually used that much lol)
I have just re wicked mine today with a hybrid ss/silica wick and a twisted coil at 1.5 ohm, even at just 3v this thing is amazing. I made the mistake of using it
in the car without opening the window and after one hit I had to stop the car briefly because I literally couldnt see my windscreen :S
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