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Last Ditch Attempt - Liquids


Oct 23, 2019

Not sure if this is the right area or not to post this so please re-direct me if needed.

I've come to a point in vaping where not being able to find a reliable liquid is making vaping expensive and annoying to the point I've considered trying to stop completely but I would be stopping for to me "the wrong reasons" and likely end up smoking cigs.

I use the following device:
1x Freemax Mesh Pro Tank
1x Freemax Mesh Pro Double Coils 0.2ohm 60-90W
1x LOST VAPE - Thelema Quest mod
Vaping at 60W, quite frequently throughout the day.

I was blessed for the majority of my time vaping DTL by having a liquid that fit exactly what I was looking for, The Slushy Man - Brainfreeze, however this has now sadly been discontinued so it is quite literally impossible to get. Since this I've tried countless different liquids/brands for pretty much the same result - Gunked coil within 3 days of use. I've googled juices that are supposed to be good on coils, tried Prime/Nova Vapes/Drip Drop Vapour and plenty more i've seen suggested all to pretty much have the same ending, 1-3 days of use before coil is completely black with gunk and tastes awful.

I've tried making my own coils with a RTA (Dead Rabbit) but quite honestly it was a terrible experience with not being able to make them so liquid doesn't spit at me 24/7 & frankly a RTA isn't fit for purpose when in my car/going out to places.

I find it very hard to believe I'm one of a few who experience this and would expect it to be way more widespread, have people just accepted that 3 days per coil is an acceptable amount of time? Do people just vape on gunked coils without caring/noticing a difference? Are people happy buying a 100ml bottle and needing 3 coils to get through it?

After reading my essay above I'm hoping I've given enough information for people to relate and let me know how/what they did to improve their vaping experience. At the end of the day I'm looking for a new ADV that lasts at least a week, I'm not expecting 4 weeks+ like I previously got from Brainfreeze but I'd say £5 a week on a coil is a reasonable expectation. My favourite flavours would be blue raspberry/slushy, almost all kinds of fruit/berry products and bubblegum.

Thanks in advance,
Drip Hacks! If you won't to keep cost down
Although cost is obviously part of the issue, I dont really care if my liquid is £5 cheaper per bottle if I'm still changing coils every 3 days. Not suggesting this place does just making it clear :P
You don't mention how much juice you get through in a day as that will have an impact on coil life, as will what juice you use as some do gunk up coils more than others. I use stock coils and 3 days coil life before the flavour starts to go is about average for me but vaping is cheaper than when I was smoking
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You don't mention how much juice you get through in a day as that will have an impact of coil life, as will what juice you use as some do gunk up coils more than others. I use stock coils and 3 days coil life before the flavour starts to go is about average for me but vaping is cheaper than when I was smoking
True apologies for this, I'd say i probably get through around 20ml a day on average, sometimes 30 sometimes less depending on what i'm doing that day. Finding a brand of juice that doesn't gunk up coils quickly seems to be impossible and when even trying suggestions from people who've answer these questions before they're all useless and ruin the coil in 1-3days. Agreed even re-buying a coil every 3 days is way cheaper than smoking but when I was buying 1 coil per 200ml of liquid I was vaping its hard to now change to 1 coil every 50ish. 4x the price
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