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Question about coil wire quality


Apr 10, 2020
I know there are certain 'higher repected' wires like sandvik, but how much difference can this really make.

I see stories about wire being dirty. Are there ways to clean it?
I see stories about impurities, obviously this cant be corrected. I can see how it might drastically affect high guage wires, but can it seriously affect a 23 gauge wire?

In the end its only a 4 dollar difference between a high quality wire and a hit or miss quality wire, but im already way above my vaping budget as it is, and on fixed income, so the extra 4 dollars is more important than it seems

Just looking for opinions or advice
Mate, if it's just standard round wire, I'd shoot for the cheaper option if you have to. Back in the day people used to run a lighter across the wire to burn off any crud but dry burning your coil is enough
Dry burning your coil should do the trick, for a few quid difference get the best possible peace of mind is priceless.

As the price difference isn't that significant
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