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Suggestions for tobacco eliquid

I get you, I usually mix single flavours at low percentages, comes out very cheap, the nic is the most expensive thing to buy.

I'd need about 20x10ml bottles of manabush a month to say I've comfortable got enough, usually 5ml a day MTL, but it varies so added a few bottles on to that. Easily affordable for some, but not for myself at present. I just have it as an odd treat now and again, usually a multipack or two.

You do make a good point though, I haven't considered using the potv code, so I'll have to relook at the prices, probably have to add £15 every two months for the nic costs too.
The Nic shots come free with it
To me it never seemed that expensive compared to other juices, or am I shopping in the wrong places? If you stock up when offers are on and use the potv code it comes out at about £8/9 for 30ml, which isn't bad.

It's funny because my OH can spend £100+ on a night out, but boggles when I spend £3.50 on a packet of bog roll or box of tea bags. They're only small things but I am using them all the time, so for a couple of quid extra why not get the best?
No I can never grasp this argument. How much did it cost people to smoke cos I was tipping a hundred notes a week sometimes.
tribute with the discount code comes in at under two quid per ten mls. I'd be wary of any liquid costing less than that.
Bloody bargain. El toro can be a bit top end at a fiver per 10mls but considering the process it's a reasonable price for a quality vape.
when I started 30mls of juice was always £15+. Some crept upto £20 from the states.
I'm saving a fortune vaping over smoking.
Actually I tend to order my bush twice monthly direct and some extra indigene or firewater from vapeclub with mrs kids juice to make up free postage.
I ordered last night but being a tired cockwomble I accidentally ordered just one of the revolucion juices instead of the set so I've just ordered the other two.
noticed there's still a few bargain juice from two quid so nabbed a paraxu for a bargain too.
keep your eyes open for special discount weekend's. It's well worth buying a few months worth.
If u get juice from the states stock up b4 september cause things are gonna get really bad here over the next year (no online sales, taxes by the mg, just all out war

Edit: i know most here know this, but if anyone hasnt been paying attention...
I wish i lived in the uk so i could compare flavors
Personally i find ry4 too flowery, almost perfumy.

I dunno if you guys 'classify' tobacco's the same way but i like to go for virginia tobacco and what is often called a western tobacco.

Basically bright tobaccos with a sweet undertone

Not sure if thats what u meant by what your boss was vaping tho

Btw, i find flavor artists caramel machiatto and caramel cappuccino excellent coffee flavors
We get plenty of US juice here. Very few we have to import (although I do have to import frisco vapor presidio pear tobacco as it's the one frisco flavour they no longer sell here.
I agree things like element 555 can be very floral but you do have some sound stuff.
Worth ordering some manabush if you get a chance for sure. A few US and Aussie guys on another forum grabbed some on my recommendation and had their minds blown.
Actually I tend to order my bush twice monthly direct and some extra indigene or firewater from vapeclub with mrs kids juice to make up free postage.
I ordered last night but being a tired cockwomble I accidentally ordered just one of the revolucion juices instead of the set so I've just ordered the other two.
noticed there's still a few bargain juice from two quid so nabbed a paraxu for a bargain too.
keep your eyes open for special discount weekend's. It's well worth buying a few months worth.
I wondered why you had ordered twice!
Ive heard that, i really wanna try it, im getting my juice so cheap hear atm. Its hard to beat 125 ml of nic salt for 20 bux, specially at 35 mg

Trying to cut back on the nic tho, i actually managed to make myself nauseus last night for the first time ever from trying to get something wicking right.
Ive heard that, i really wanna try it, im getting my juice so cheap hear atm. Its hard to beat 125 ml of nic salt for 20 bux, specially at 35 mg

Trying to cut back on the nic tho, i actually managed to make myself nauseus last night for the first time ever from trying to get something wicking right.
That's something that happens with manabush. You end up ordering just under your nic preferences so you can vape more as it's so tasty.
The Nic shots come free with it

I vape 12mg so would have to use my special stuff, which I've run out of. I'm going to see how quickly I go through these NET's, then I'll look at seeing if I can order enough of the larger bottles to get me through a month. Probably be September though.

Really interested in trying the new Pow Wow, never tried the original recipe, only the later iteration, but I hear it was lovely.
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