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Trading Standards cite illegal vapes as High Street threat

Just read it this morning.

Disposables should be banned from sale other than vape shops and tobacconist outlets so that they may be regulated. Heavy penalties for flouting the regulations "should" deter them, but we all know there are a few rotten eggs in the basket. Shouldn't take long to weed them out if they get reported though.

Any other outlet selling them should be fined heavily for the sale of illegal vapes too.
I smiled at the comment from the Department of Health and Social Care that they are still considering the Khan review that was published last June, perhaps most of them are all still working from home.

Apart from cracking down hard on vendors who break the law by selling illegal vapes and/or to kids under 18 they should be looking into who is importing illegal vapes yet there is no mention of how and where sellers of illegal vapes are obtaining them.
they should be looking into who is importing illegal vapes

But that would require joined up thinking from politicians who are looking for ways to line their own nests... I read Bozo is now coining it in from the speaker gig.

Welcome to what is now clearly the century of self.
But that would require joined up thinking from politicians who are looking for ways to line their own nests... I read Bozo is now coining it in from the speaker gig.

Welcome to what is now clearly the century of self.

I know what you mean though to be fair it is more the civil service, aka government departments such as trading standards, who do the nitty gritty as opposed to the politicians.
I smiled at the comment from the Department of Health and Social Care that they are still considering the Khan review that was published last June, perhaps most of them are all still working from home.

Apart from cracking down hard on vendors who break the law by selling illegal vapes and/or to kids under 18 they should be looking into who is importing illegal vapes yet there is no mention of how and where sellers of illegal vapes are obtaining them.

could be buying them direct from china.
Ffs leave the weans alone....they will soon be adults and as miserable as fk.....bottle of Bucky and a vape please mister:)
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