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UK Incremental Smoking Ban (Tobacco & Vapes Bill) Starts Journey Into Law

Labour has been accused of planting made-up scenarios about nine-year-olds vaping in UK schools to help back up its new smoking and vapes crackdown.

A range of pre-scripted statements and questions were reportedly sent to the party’s MPs ahead of a crucial vote on the controversial Tobacco and Vapes Bill last week.

Labour’s backbenchers appear to have been pressed to say they have personal experience of the harm that vapes are causing children as young as nine - despite the examples having been drafted by party officials.
Depressing highlights and critique of the debate on the second reading of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill...
.. worth reading to see how most of these politicians simply don't have a clue (and laugh it off!), apparently briefed by unaccountable tax-funded lobbyists...
Seamus Logan, SNP MP for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East opined, “I heard what Mary Glindon said about vaping being 95% safer. I am not so sure that the evidence supports that.”
He needs to read the 1468 page report by the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities from 2022, the eighth and final of its kind which has repeatedly confirmed this statistic. There is little point of our taxes being spent on evidence reviews if MPs are to ignore them and instead act like chemtrails conspiracy theorists.

Full transcript of the debate here -
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Depressing highlights and critique of the debate on the second reading of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill...
.. worth reading to see how most of these politicians simply don't have a clue (and laugh it off!), apparently briefed by unaccountable tax-funded lobbyists...

Full transcript of the debate here -
Sadly this is happening time after time. It doesnt appear to matter what facts are put in front of the government that contradict and go against what they are spouting, in order to go ahead with their proposals, they will simply ignore it or question its authenticity.

You can give these pratts any amount of fact or statistics and they will manipulate the figures to meet their end goal.
Having spent the last 2 hours going through the notes on the second reading of the Smoke and Vaping bill, I wholeheartedly agree with @andipandi
Seems to me a case of the blind leading the blind. No wonder this county is in the state it's in and will only continue to get worse.
As Wess Streeting said in his opening statement he's coming down on vaping like a ton of bricks. The result will most definitely be a pile of rubble!
i’m not surprised that people who have never been smokers are of this kind of view. the vape industry has fucked it for itself with stupid crap like this


complicit in your own demise.
Zouzou - you are obsessed with the negative side of the industry.. and I agree it is fuel for their (the government) fire, but it is NOT the norm...

(Most) of the government, for example, believe that any sweet flavour is "targeted at children"...
Tristan Osborne (Labour MP for Chatham and Aylesford) expressed surprise “that blue razz lemonade, watermelon bubble gum and strawberry raspberry cherry ice are all flavours of vapes” that he concluded could only be targeted at children. Disbelieving, presumably, that someone in their late 50s and sharing the same address as me in a single occupancy house has bought and vaped all of them.
Zouzou - you are obsessed with the negative side of the industry.. and I agree it is fuel for their (the government) fire, but it is NOT the norm...

(Most) of the government, for example, believe that any sweet flavour is "targeted at children"...

i pass quite a few shops everyday going to and from work packed with rows and rows of colourful disposables. some of them also sell bongs and other cheap crap etc. one also sells imported american sweets. where i live, to the average person this is the norm. these shops vastly outnumber what you might describe as responsible vape shops.

i’ve seen youngsters around here puffing on the ones that look like milkshakes. so somebody is selling them. and the internet is full of uk sites with the cartoon character ones.

i also think flavours like bloo razz etc and the imagery that often comes with them is also
overwhelmingly stupid. maybe an unpopular opinion on here since it might be that half of the posters are buying that stuff.
all i am saying is that this stuff was predicted years ago and in the intervening time the shit has got immeasurably worse. so there’s no point moaning about it or trying to present some kind of rational argument. it was inevitable.
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