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Spaced SS Coil Required for TC?

Google temperature coefficient of resistance and sit back a watch the videos :S It's to do with resistive sensitivity.
Thank you, Legend! I actually do understand that it is resistance that is measured. It is also pretty obvious that compressed or compact coils are going to affect measuring said resistance. But I’ve heard, seen, and read so many different opinions (see @Raptorex’s pragmatic approach) that I’ve been wondering what the consensus actually is…It does seem that I remembered correctly, ie that spaced is the best idea. However, I may cheat and try a compressed coil on the Dotmobb, and see how it goes. Thanks again!
Bear in mind TC success is mostly down to the quality of the algorithm built into the mod, certain chipsets are known to be better than others.
Bear in mind TC success is mostly down to the quality of the algorithm built into the mod, certain chipsets are known to be better than others.
Understand, have a couple of dna60 mods that I use most of the time. It is interesting that you mention that, there are several chips where I wonder exactly how good they are… f ex the Ambition mods 60w chip. If Daniel (DJLsb) hasn’t done a test on it, I’m not sure how to find out. I would think that reading (and locking) the cold resistance accurately is also extremely important, as well the algorithm, but I’m just an amateur.
Simply put: You get what you pay for! One day I will save up enough for a Dicodes :ape:
The downside of the Dicodes is you need a mentality like a German to work the menu out.
Heheh, I’ve heard that! Scratch my head every time I try and use my SXmini SL v2, can never remember all the tricks. Keep the instructions on my smartphone.
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