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Stainless Steel? OK or not worth it?


Jul 26, 2012
Hi folks, just a quick question for opinions.
I'm very new to TC vaping and so far it's all good.
Ni200 is the only wire that I've used so far and I'm quite happy with the results, up to a point.
For dual coil tanks, no problem mounting via post holes, but ni200 is a smidgin whispy and fragile and I'm finding it a right royal pain to mount under the screws on single coil tanks.
With that in mind I fancy trying stainless for TC builds on single coil tanks, for no other reason than it's chunkiness and I reckon it will be easier to mount.
I have no idea how it behaves as far as TC vaping goes though, so, what do you folks reckon? is SS worth bothering with?
Good question. SS has poor numbers as they relate to its ability to be temp controlled and shouldn't be considered as a very suitable TC wire. However, it does have its advantages in that it is easy to work with and relatively thick gauges can be used, so it is convenient to work with. I use it quite a bit for those reasons and because you can easily achieve a high enough resistance to improve its stability in TC, especially with single coils. Another advantage is that it offers one of, if not the cleanest flavours in TC vaping.
The main downside I have found is that it is a little erratic in TC. The temp seems to run away a bit on sustained draws. Resistances around the 0.35 ohm mark work pretty well with SS 316L.
If you're looking for a much easier to work with wire for TC, and one which provides hugely more stable TC than nickel, I'd highly recommend Stealthvape NiFe30. 29 gauge for dual coils and 28 for singles works well. It makes for very stable TC and nice clean taste.
Thanks for the reply @Mr Numpty . Just did a quick reccky about nife30 and it seems to be getting very well favoured, and the "offsets" information is now readily available, so that cuts down on guesswork!
The main reason that I enquired about SS was to help me to decide whether to give it a go on my "out and about" set ups ie, KF, TF or subtanks, single coils, considering that my "pocket mods" now have TC options so may as well use the facility mainly as a temperature limiter, seeing as my out and about ohms are around 0.5 - 1.0, I'll probably suck it and see.
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Yeah NiFe30 works well with the nickel preset and even better if your mod has TCR input abilities. It's probably the best TC wire at the moment, all things considered. I didn't mean to put you off trying SS 316L. I enjoy using it in TC and keep in mind, it's pretty awesome in power mode, with a very clean taste.
@cheersm8 in addition to Stealthvape NiFe30, I would point you to NiFe48 (you can get it here). It's accuracy is almost as good as Ti but it is as easy to use as NiFe30. The superior accuracy means you can use thicker or twisted wire and still maintain excellent TC stability. Anything >0.15 Ohm will be nice and stable (NiFe48 = Nifethal 52 on steam engine for calculation purposes). On a spacious deck, you can easily dual coil 26g (0.4 mm) wire without worrying about TC accuracy.

It has a TCR of 400, for the best results you really need a mod with customisable TCR, but you can use it in Ti mode with an offset of around +25C.
If you still use straight watts it wouldn't be a loss if you gave ss a chance. I use 316 l in power mode now prefer it to kanthal.
today I'm chuffing (again) on a single SS coil in a subtank mini....... 4mm ID, 5 wraps using 28 gauge is giving me a massive .75ohms which makes it pretty relaible control.
tastes nice and clean.

why not give it a go ?
Nife 48 is my next one to try
Not fussed about TC myself but might give it a whirl and see if it makes a difference to the flavour.
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